Technician Looking Over A Gas FurnaceCold weather has officially arrived in the southwest suburbs so it’s time to take care of your furnace. During the holiday season, the last thing you need are frozen dinner guests – or frozen pipes!

Just like your car needs regular tune maintenance to keep it running smoothly, so does your heating system. When minor problems are caught before they turn into crisis situations, you’ll save money, time and aggravation.

A professional, trained and certified technician should:
Clean soot, dust or any residue
Both the inside and outside of your furnace should be free of debris, because a clean furnace works more efficiently, saving you heating costs.

Check for loose connections or gaps in duct work
Losing heated air in your basement or attic before it gets to your living areas wastes money.

Replace the air filter
Changing your furnace filters every month means better air quality and a more efficient heating system. Remember that better quality filters mean better quality air – and a cleaner, more allergen-free home. Consider electrostatic filters which capture about 88% of the bacteria, mold, viruses and pollen in your indoor air, or HEPA filters, which remove nearly 100% of airborne particles.

Check all belts for elasticity and flexibility
When your furnace has a blower belt, it should be checked for cracks and flexibility. If it looks stiff, worn or damaged, replacing a belt before it breaks ensures your family stays comfortable and you save repair costs.

Clear drain lines
In older equipment, when your furnace drain line becomes clogged, not only will the resulting pool of water damage your system, the resulting leak will damage your home’s ceilings, floors and walls and can cause mold problems. In high efficiency and attic furnaces, a safety valve will shut equipment down when the drain becomes clogged. While that prevents water damage in the short term, if you travel or are away from your home during a bitter cold snap, an equipment shut down means your water pipes can freeze and burst, causing massive damages.

Check venting and exhausts
Leaves, twigs, and blowing trash can cover your exhausts and prevent your furnace from “kicking on”, because your furnace needs air flow to operate. During snow accumulation, be sure to keep your intake and exhaust pipes clear.

Perform safety check.
When your furnace burns natural gas, a byproduct is carbon monoxide, properly vented to the outdoors. However, if your furnace develops any cracks or gaps, carbon monoxide could leak into your indoor environment, causing serious health problems and sometimes death.

A furnace tuneup will help you reduce your heating bills by up to 5%, detect issues that can be solved cost-effectively now instead of incurring large repair expenses, keep your furnace in service longer and provide you with a reliable, comfortable indoor environment.

Call Maertin Heating & Cooling at 708-479-9350 now to schedule a professional, certified tune up today. When you have a weekend, nighttime or holiday emergency, just give us a call. We will have technicians ready 24/7 to keep your holiday happy.

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