Remote home control system on a digital tablet.Saving the planet while saving energy sounds like something a superhero can do. That hero would note your family’s comings and goings and adjust the temperature of your home accordingly. You stay comfortable all the time, your energy use goes down when you’re not home, and the planet benefits greatly. 

This superhero is real and it’s called a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat hero can also save Fido and Fluffy from heat sickness when you neglect to turn the air on and the temperature soars while you’re at the beach all day. Just tap your smartphone and your pets are back to enjoying chewing the furniture. 

But just like Superman had Lex Luther, smart thermostats also have their nemesis. While very rare, because these devices collect information about you and your family, hackers can be this superhero’s kryptonite. Maertin Heating & Cooling is here to help you install a “lead shield”, protecting your smart thermostat from hackers! 

Your smart thermostat does collect information about when you’re home and when you’re not, when you’re awake and when you’re sleeping. This data can also indicate when you are on vacation. Ideally, this information is only accessible by the thermostat manufacturer and perhaps ComEd and Nicor. If your smart thermostat is linked into other home network devices, a hacker can access not just your thermostat, but your appliances, doors and security system. 

So how can you enjoy all the benefits of technology and still stay secure? 

  • Only purchase your smart thermostat new, in an unopened box, from a reliable installer or retailer. Never purchase a used thermostat, which could be compromised before it’s even installed.
  • Review the manufacturer’s privacy policy. Carefully read what information is collected and what is shared with whom. If you’re not comfortable, look at another manufacturer’s product. 
  • Create an entirely new and unique email address when you configure your smart thermostat. Don’t use your name, your address or any personal information when setting up the email account.
  • Create a Virtual Private Network, or a VPN and connect your thermostat to that. With a VPN, your IP address, your home’s location and any information being collected by the thermostat is anonymous and won’t be visible to hackers. Click here to learn how to install and set up a VPN. 
  • Require two-factor authentication for your smart thermostat. This means that each log-in must be confirmed by phone, text or another email, adding another layer of security.
  • Refrain from personalizing your smart thermostat with photos or names. Stick to the default manufacturer preferences as much as possible. 

Hackers look for easy targets that can be accessed as quickly as possible. By putting in these simple security measures, your smart thermostat looks much less attractive to a hacker and they’ll pass you by, searching for a system that is easier to attack. 

Considering a smart thermostat but unsure how you’ll benefit? Read 5 Reasons A Smart Thermostat Will Change Your Life here. A smart thermostat can be your own personal superhero, and by putting the proper security measures in place, Lex Luther won’t stand a chance. 

Do you have questions about smart thermostats and home security? Maertin Heating and Cooling is happy to help! Just call 708-479-9350 and we’ll answer all of your questions! 

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