Whether you are an all-winter-long snowbird or just a week-in-San-Diego type, leaving your home in the winter can create some special challenges. At Maertin Heating & Cooling, we’ve seen what can happen when homeowners don’t properly prepare – and it isn’t pretty.

 We want you to return to a home as cozy, clean and undamaged as it was when you left. Maertin is happy to provide is a checklist of the most basic precautions to take to protect your most valuable investment when you’re away enjoying the sunshine.

 Shut off your water.
At the very least, make sure none of your faucets are dripping and your toilets aren’t running. If you’re not expecting anyone stopping by to use any water while you’re gone, shut it off at the main valve of your home, open all faucets and flush all toilets before leaving.

 Adjust your water heater.
Save energy by reducing the temperature to its lowest possible setting. Remember that when you return, it’ll take some time to warm up again, so don’t plan for any warm baths or showers that evening.

 Unplug small appliances.
Not only will you eliminate a fire hazard, you’ll also save energy as all your appliances still use power even when they are not in use. Unplug toasters, ovens, washers and dryers, TV’s, microwaves – do a walk through of every room in your home.

 Open doors.
Leave your washing machine and dishwasher open to let them dry out and prevent mold. Leave room doors open throughout your home to keep air circulating. Open the doors of the cabinet below your sinks to help warmer air circulate there, especially when sinks are on an outside wall.

 Take care of your HVAC system.
Change your furnace filters and consider having us stop by to make sure your furnace is in tip-top condition. Lower your heat to 55˚ and keep it there. This keeps pipes from freezing and bursting. Ask us about installing a smart thermostat before you depart to keep an eye on your home’s temperature and catch any warning signs before they turn into big problems. A power outage could ruin your home!

 Keep away critters.
Dispose of any fresh food in your refrigerator and pantry. Throw out anything that will expire while you’re gone. Wipe down all counters of crumbs and take all trash and recycling outside before leaving to prevent creepy crawly things from being attracted to your home. Close your chimney flue and be sure all exterior doors are tightly closed when you leave.

 Practice smart security.
Let the police in your town know you’ll be out of town and they’ll keep an eye on your home. Stop mail deliveries and any newspaper deliveries. Hire a service or ask a neighbor with a brand new snowblower to keep your driveway and sidewalks clear so your home looks lived in. Don’t post your plans on social media, but do let trusted neighbors know you’ll be gone and how to contact you. Install timers to turn interior lights on and off at a variety of times in the evenings and install motion detectors on outside lighting. If you’re considering a smart thermostat, think about a smart home instead, enabling you to control lighting, door openings, appliances, temperature control and more all in one.

 Following these simple precautions can make your return home seamless and uneventful. If you’d like to schedule a service check, cleaning or installation of smart technology before you leave, click here to schedule an appointment. Maertin Heating & Cooling is here to help!

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