A “Longer Summer”, More Living Space, Better Storage and Saving Money? Yes, Please!

The calendar has flipped to autumn and that means colder weather is headed our way, followed by even colder, then freezing, bitter weather. Jeez, that doesn’t sound great, does it?

So many thing have to change when the weather gets cold. Those beautiful tropical annual plants you’ve enjoyed all summer will freeze. We’ll have to give up that extra living and entertaining space our patios and decks provided. We’ll miss our exercise of mowing the lawn, gardening or just biking around the neighborhood. That really doesn’t sound great at all. 

Fortunately, Maertin Heating and Cooling has a solution. When we install a Reznor residential garage heater, you might just feel like summer is lasting a lot longer. 

Those tropical plants can be overwintered in a heated garage so you can enjoy them again – bigger and more beautiful than ever – next summer. You’ll find you can overwinter geraniums, coleus, fuchsias and much more. You’ll save money next spring and have a more lush, gorgeous garden right from the start when you nurture your annuals over the winter. 

A heated garage expands your living and entertaining space. Move your patio furniture into your comfortable space and keep the summer fun going. Add a television, gaming system and sound system now that you know these expensive devices won’t freeze and you’ve got a great place for teens to gather safely under your supervision. Your garage will be the perfect spot for football gatherings, with no one worrying about spills. Set up a few tables and host Thanksgiving or other holidays for your extended family. 

A heated garage is also a valuable space to store fragile and perishable belongings that can be damaged by freezing temperatures. 

When your outdoors workouts are curtailed by rainy or freezing weather, a heated garage provides a spot for your treadmill or weights, out of the way but still accessible and comfortable to use. Put the kids in the garage when they want to experiment with hobbies like painting. Heated garages are also the perfect place for your budding musician and friends can practice, truly becoming a garage band – and saving your ears. 

There are other benefits of a heated garage. Your outdoor machinery such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers stay in better condition when they are liable to freeze. You’ll save money on vehicle repairs, including batteries when your cars are kept above freezing temperatures. You’ll also save on fuel costs as you won’t have to let your car run to warm it up when temperatures drop. Being able to turn on the ignition and put your vehicle into drive immediately also reduces your family’s risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as exhaust fumes won’t hang in the garage and seep into your home. With a garage heater, the rooms above your garage will also stay warmer. If your water pipes run in the walls between your garage and your home, heating your garage will help prevent frozen and burst pipes. 

When you call Maertin Heating & Cooling to discuss a Reznor garage heater, you’ll be tapping into fantastic products. Reznor has been providing reliable heating since 1888, and constantly innovating better and better technological breakthroughs. We’ll talk about whether gas or electric will best suit your needs. We’ll measure your garage and explain the appropriate size of unit for your space. We’ll explain how the unit will be professionally installed out of your way and we’ll talk about how the warm, comfortable air is circulated properly for outstanding results. We’ll also talk about your goals, and setting the proper temperatures to meet those goals. We’ll thoroughly explain the warranty on your new heating unit.  

We’re sure you can think of other ways to use a heated garage. Send us an email at and let us know what they are. Call Maertin Heating & Cooling at 708-479-9350 today to schedule a free consultation to discuss all the benefits of heating your garage.